BREAKING NEWS: NBA suspends 2019-2020 season


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
the last thing I care about is worrying about how multi millionaires and billionaire owners who make millions every single year
may miss like 10% of their paycheck for one season out of 20

I really dont think this is news, or care that they miss out on 10% a single year salary
I dont even know why they are telling us this shyt in the first place. The money they miss to go home and be multi millionaires is more than some of us see in a lifetime


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
the last thing I care about is worrying about how multi millionaires and billionaire owners who make millions every single year
may miss like 10% of their paycheck for one season out of 20

I really dont think this is news, or care that they miss out on 10% a single year salary
I dont even know why they are telling us this shyt in the first place. The money they miss to go home and be multi millionaires is more than some of us see in a lifetime

A lot more people depend on those teams to make money than just rich guys


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
A lot more people depend on those teams to make money than just rich guys

while I get exactly what you are saying, shyt also happens :yeshrug: most people arent guaranteed job security
teachers in america dont even get paid for summer and you can get laid off anytime. Unemployment is available if you are laid off.
I do feel what you are saying but its not the end of the world, 3 months from now they are in the same boat.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
the MATH shows that this is a mild illness for most of the people who get it. The math shows a damn near non existent death rate for people under 50. The math shows that most people who die from it were already unhealthy and weak. The math shows that if you are a strong and healthy adult you have damn near nothing to worry about. Not only in regards to dying from this shyt, but even catching it altogether. So yea....I'm doing the math. And all of the numbers are in our favor.

"B b but there's no vaccine!!":damn:Hundreds of people died from the flu yesterday and most of the coli hasn't gotten a flu vaccine since they were toddlers :mjlol:..... when's the last time you even checked the death rate of the flu before this corona virus shyt popped off?:jbhmm:....exactly. you never gave a single fukk. None of us did. Even though the shyt is killing hundreds of people in close proximity to us every single day.

If anything this should just be a wake up call for all of us to lead a healthy lifestyle. This virus isn't a gonna kill off most of humanity, but there is a possibility we could see a virus like that in the future. Actually it's not even a possibility, It's going to happen. It's just a matter of when. And if it happens in our lifetime the people who survive will be the ones who took care of themselves and treated their bodies right. So go eat your vegetables, wash your fukkin hands....and go live your life. You're not gonna die. The stress you guys are putting yourselves through is prolly gonna kill you before the actual virus does. :mjlol:

Dumbass, the flu kills 0.1% of the people who get it.

This kills at most 3 or 4% of the people who get it.

That's literally hundreds of times worst.

Humans have also built up an immunity to the flu, since it's been around since the time of Jesus.

We have no immunity to this.

You don't see people dropping like flies all over Europe?

People are litterally dying in the streets in place like Iran, Italy, & China.

You think the Vatican closed for shyts & giggles?

A country of 60 million people just closed down for no reason?

And even the people who are recovering, we're seeing permanent lung damage.

Who the fukk wants to live for years with compromised lungs or a compromised immune system?:stopitslime:

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Dumbass, the flu kills 0.1% of the people who get it.

This kills at most 3 or 4% of the people who get it.

That's literally hundreds of times worst.

Humans have also built up an immunity to the flu, since it's been around since the time of Jesus.

We have no immunity to this.

You don't see people dropping like flies all over Europe?

People are litterally dying in the streets in place like Iran, Italy, & China.

You think the Vatican closed for shyts & giggles?

A country of 60 million people just closed down for no reason?

And even the people who are recovering, we're seeing permanent lung damage.

Who the fukk wants to live for years with compromised lungs or a compromised immune system?:stopitslime:
We're seeing permanent lung damage on a virus that's only months old? sound ridiculous. Once again. That study was done on 12 people:mjlol:.....And even the doctors themselves said it's too early to determine any long term damage. But I'm sure your gullible ass ate that headline right up.

And no this virus does not kill 3 or 4% of the people who get it. You're just pulling numbers out your ass now. As of this moment most cases are still mild colds that can be cured with regular cough medicines. All these death rates don't mean jack shyt because they only take into account CONFIRMED cases. They aren't taking into account all of the people who probably caught the virus and beat it without ever being tested. Or all the the people who were asymptomatic and beat the virus without even knowing they were sick. Which is probably in the thousands....maybe even hundreds of thousands. Use your fukkin head.

Once again. Take precautions. Quarantine yourself. Play it safe. Whatever you have to do. But stop spreading bullshyt. As of right now this virus is still mainly killing the old and sick. Just like the flu does. Most young and strong people will beat this with no issue. Even most healthy older people will beat this shyt like a normal cold. I could give a fukk if my optimism pisses you off. The facts are facts:hubie:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Dumbass, the flu kills 0.1% of the people who get it.

This kills at most 3 or 4% of the people who get it.

That's literally hundreds of times worst.

Humans have also built up an immunity to the flu, since it's been around since the time of Jesus.

We have no immunity to this.

You don't see people dropping like flies all over Europe?

People are litterally dying in the streets in place like Iran, Italy, & China.

You think the Vatican closed for shyts & giggles?

A country of 60 million people just closed down for no reason?

And even the people who are recovering, we're seeing permanent lung damage.

Who the fukk wants to live for years with compromised lungs or a compromised immune system?:stopitslime:

disneyland has only closed three times before
  • Pres. John F. Kennedy assassination, 1963
  • “Yippies” protest on Tom Sawyer’s Island, 1970
  • Sept. 11, 2001
and now its closed for two weeks

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
We're seeing permanent lung damage on a virus that's only months old? sound ridiculous. Once again. That study was done on 12 people:mjlol:.....And even the doctors themselves said it's too early to determine any long term damage. But I'm sure your gullible ass ate that headline right up.

And no this virus does not kill 3 or 4% of the people who get it. You're just pulling numbers out your ass now. As of this moment most cases are still mild colds that can be cured with regular cough medicines. All these death rates don't mean jack shyt because they only take into account CONFIRMED cases. They aren't taking into account all of the people who probably caught the virus and beat it without ever being tested. Or all the the people who were asymptomatic and beat the virus without even knowing they were sick. Which is probably in the thousands....maybe even hundreds of thousands. Use your fukkin head.

Once again. Take precautions. Quarantine yourself. Play it safe. Whatever you have to do. But stop spreading bullshyt. As of right now this virus is still mainly killing the old and sick. Just like the flu does. Most young and strong people will beat this with no issue. Even most healthy older people will beat this shyt like a normal cold. I could give a fukk if my optimism pisses you off. The facts are facts:hubie:

Here’s what coronavirus does to the body

What Will You Do If You Start Coughing?

COVID-19 is not the flu. We have a vaccine for the flu. We have anti-viral medications designed to treat the flu. We have a sense of what to expect when we catch the flu, and when it’s necessary to seek medical attention. Doctors have experience treating the flu, and tests to help diagnose the flu, right there in the office, while you wait.

Against the new disease, we have none of this. This coronavirus is unknown to our species. Once it breaks into one of our cells, the extent of its spread through the body seems to vary significantly. The experience can slowly progress from the familiar—cough, congestion, fever—to a life-threatening inflammatory response as the virus spreads down into the lungs, filling the airways with fluid. Survivors can have permanent scarring in the lungs.
The virus can also spread into other organs, causing liver damage or gastrointestinal disease. These effects can play out over longer periods than in the flu, sometimes waxing and waning. Some patients have begun to feel better, then fallen critically ill. The disease can be fatal despite receiving optimal medical care.

Please don't take any of this seriously:stopitslime:

No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences
Aches and pains, sore throat, fever – although they may feel similar to those suffering from their symptoms, the novel coronavirus is not the same as the seasonal flu, experts stressed Wednesday.

COVID-19, the illness caused by coronavirus, proves deadly in around 3.5 percent of confirmed cases.

While this is not the same as its mortality rate, given many people may be infected but not realise it, it is significantly higher than seasonal flu, which typically kills 0.1 percent of patients.

"There is still considerable uncertainty around the fatality rates of COVID-19 and it likely varies depending on the quality of local healthcare," said Francois Balloux, Professor of Computational Systems Biology at University College London.

"That said, it is around two percent on average, which is about 20 times higher than for the seasonal flu lineages currently in circulation."

No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences

Serious cases
But the true danger of coronavirus is unlikely to be the death toll. Experts say health systems could easily become overwhelmed by the number of cases requiring hospitalisation – and, often ventilation to support breathing.

An analysis of 45,000 confirmed cases in China, where the epidemic originated, show that the vast majority of deaths were among the elderly (14.8 percent mortality among over 80s).

But another Chinese study showed that 41 percent of serious cases occurred among under 50s, compared with 27 percent among over 65s.

"It's true that if you're older you're at greater risk, but serious cases can also happen in relatively young people with no prior conditions," said French deputy health minister Jerome Salomon.


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013