If anybody STILL thinks this isn't a big deal and nothing but media scare tactics please watch the first few minutes of this interview
If anybody STILL thinks this isn't a big deal and nothing but media scare tactics please watch the first few minutes of this interview
the coli dot com
Nearly 200 people in Italy have died in 24 hours as cases of coronavirus in the locked down country continue to rise.
There have been 827 deaths in Italy and the number of cases increased by more than 2,000, from 10,149 to 12,462, official figures showed.
people really think people are just willfully losing BILLIONS of dollars because of fear tactics.
China has it under control because they basically SHUT DOWN cities everyone coming in and out and built hospitals in like a week for people to isolate in. As well as the amount of testing they did
Just look at all these moronic posters who are negging me. Name me a single person you know that has died from this disease?
Can we the world get an offical list of people who have actually died instead of numbers?? Their age, sex, previous health status and diet??!!
Maybe these people catch this virus but are dying from something as most people due to pesticides in our food supply have comprised gut flora and immune system. Glyphosate is more toxic than this virus yet people eat this daily
Maybe they have the virus but it isn’t active and they die from something else?
Fear has now ruled over humanity. And the ruling class can do whatever they want now. Imagine just by a few media reports you can shut down a whole country and people’s lives.
People underestimate the potency of a healthy digestive tract; if give a chance the magical human body can fight of all illnesses, diseases and viruses.
If they enforce this nonsense in my city, I’ll leave my house EVERYDAY,
We are being humiliated, major social engineering going on here,
Children walk through the streets of Idlib but rest of the world shuts down because a common cough, cold, fever and chill
You couldn’t make some of this stuff up,
See through the lies people. Smh.![]()
Bruh..its like people want to see bodies dropping on the daily around them before taking precautions.
This some serious case of social engineering. This virus isn’t that deadly and China where it originated from already has it under control. All this fear tactics by the media, government and cdc is criminal.
Life should continue as it should. This is an insult on humans and humanity.
How do you lose billions when ruling class literally print money out of thin air and give each other money like it’s nothing. The working class and poor suffers under these draconian rules and laws.
Government statistics are estimation not facts,