Payin Debts.... N40
Bruh, we not a year into the life of these consoles yet. You clearly brand new to how this works
The "gamers" dont flock to new systems in year 1 first off Plenty of ppl wait
More sony fanboys bought PS4's than eager educated Xbox gamers. $500 wasn't cheap either
And they still broke all records from any system before it. Gamers indeed have spoken
AS for games, lets stop the bullshyt. Knack/Killzone/Infamous... then a bunch of PC or SNES looking games.
The Xbox has the better exclusives, and the better future games. Sunset Overdrive, Halo, Quantum Break
Meanwhile, you over here with your fingers crossed going "Please let Uncharted 4 drop sometime in 2015" knowing damn well that shyt ain't dropping to fall 2016 at the earliest.
But that false hope is what keeps you going TODAY, lets you believe that the games are about equal
And that the multiplats are not just better, but fukkIN BETTER
Real Gamers don't have groups of fanboys speak for them. Anyone who has tried out an XB1 and a PS4 will tell you the XB1 is on another level when it comes to what the system can do. Basically the value.
Xbox = iPhone 10 - PS4 = Off brand iPod
So.....How good are Sunset Overdrive, Halo, Quantum Break? Since you are vouching for them already. And hey I know as a former Xbox 360 owner how good the PS4 is. The muliplats for the PS4 are the ulitmate edition and everyone knows it. I had Black Flag for 360 and then got for PS4. The difference is so DRASTIC it is unbelievable. When everyone makes the jump to the next gen they will notice it right off the bat. The PS4 is a work of art. A smooth machine for the gamers. It's not focused on selling you gimicks or NSA Kintecs..And I had beef with Sony over that PSN bullshyt years ago when it got hacked but they learned how to treat their consumers. Unlike Microsoft that has had the EGO to think they can control the consumers. They have backtracked on damn near everything they promised with the orginal vision of the Xbox One. Now they are left picking up the pieces and don't have shyt to show for it. Titanfall did better on the 360!!!! Outsold for 7 months straight. Amped about a Tomb Raider timed Strugglebox keeps it coming. They had the fukkING nerve to price this shyt at 500 dollars! LOL When the games start being released starting in Oct, the drought will end and everyone will know that Sony won this generation. The Xbox One is underpowered and overhyped. It will not last the test of time.
I don't have to wait for that Uncharted, when by then I'll have a library of GREATNESS by then. Stop playing man. That Xbox has a 1 year life left on it and it's going to be left in the dust.