There was a thread where people were saying how if they win the lottery who they'd give money too and all that. Number one, if you can keep it a secret then do so and don't tell anybody except maybe your mama if she doesn't talk too much. Unless its your wife of course, for damn sure don't tell no girlfriend or any of your friends or family. This guy's bytch clearly set him up.
Someone on Facebook who knows this dude's family said he wasn't a flosser at all. This guy wanted to help his own people and look what happens.
Just a general rule is to live below your means and don't do and say shyt to attract attention, especially on social media....and fukk telling these broads and your so called friends your business. Careful who you hang around with, everybody ain't your people.
If I was this dude's family I'd be asking this girlfriend of his some serious questions.