So Israel isn’t looking for sympathy for civilian deaths and wants to appear stronger than they are?
What is your idea on why Israel is lying about the rocket attacks?
Bro almost every country lies about casualties to the general public, its been that way since the dawn of mankind. You got Ukraine on Telegram saying theyve killed over 700,000 Russians and knocked out half their tanks, and then a week later Russia says its cap and theyve only lost 20,000, yet killed 500,000 Ukrainians, then NATO says Russia is on the brink of defeat but theyre capable of repleneshing those same deaths by the year 2029 and attacking the alliance outright
Israel and Iran do the same, Israel says none of the rockets killed any civilians, Iran just came out and said they werent targeting civilians they were trying to hit air bases and Mossad HQ... then Iran said they destroyed ALL of israels F-35s in todays attacks
You cant believe shyt anybody says, the only reason we in the West get more truth than lies is cause of INDEPENDENT journalism cause you know America lies too...
I remember when Trump was in office they said in an article the US military was at the strongest its ever been, greater than ancient Rome levels and that we could hypothetically fight the rest of the PLANET at once and WIN