Hopefully they show out for them unlike NYC seemed to in September.
For 3) you mean shouldn’t?
Yeah you right I get what you're saying.You're missing the point. Republicans are doing voter suppression in Georgia and other states for the exact reason this candidate said in the tweet/leaked audio. White fear of the black vote.
Voting is pointless though brehs.
Naw you definitely right.Don't play dumb. You don't see the link between him expressing concern over black folks exercising their right to vote, and his continued efforts to suppress them?
"Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State and the Republican nominee for Georgia governor, expressed at a ticketed campaign event that his Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams’ voter turnout operation “continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote,” according to audio obtained by Rolling Stone."
If they leaked audio of all CAC candidates then you would hear the same shyt. Only difference is this clown got caught. Reminds me of Hillary vs Trump. Newsflash.. they all hate us
If they leaked audio of all CAC candidates then you would hear the same shyt. Only difference is this clown got caught. Reminds me of Hillary vs Trump. Newsflash.. they all hate us
Hilary would have never tried to suppress the black vote.
Hillary called us super predators & brought in a gang of child molestors into Haiti. She is part of the reason we got all these damn prisons in the US and nikkas started getting football numbers over crack. White folks getting a slap on the wrist over powder cocaine. We became the prison capitol of THE WORLD during the Clintons era as well and they was filling those cells up with black folks. Prison admissions for drug offenses reached a level in 2000 for African Americans more than 26 times the level in 1983. They ushered in the 3 strikes law too. They slashed overall public welfare funding by $54 billion Of course she wanted y’all ignorant ass to vote her in so she can up the ante even more.Are you stupid? Hilary would have never tried to suppress the black vote. The “both sides” Coli militant dikkhead battle cry doesn’t apply here
Hillary called us super predators & brought in a gang of child molestors into Haiti. She is part of the reason we got all these damn prisons in the US and nikkas started getting football numbers over crack. White folks getting a slap on the wrist over powder cocaine. We became the prison capitol of THE WORLD during the Clintons era as well and they was filling those cells up with black folks. Prison admissions for drug offenses reached a level in 2000 for African Americans more than 26 times the level in 1983. They ushered in the 3 strikes law too. They slashed overall public welfare funding by $54 billion Of course she wanted y’all ignorant ass to vote her in so she can up the ante even more.
He’s an agent who thinks he’s a kike so don’t pay him attentionAll of which has absolutely nothing to do with the situation in OP. Hilary is no longer in power. What the fukk is your point breh?
Cause during the primary in September we had a black man running for lieutenant governor and we should’ve been able to get him further.Why are you bringing NYC into this?