It's only fishy because your kind ignores all other evidence and logistics that go with the story and only focus on the ones that support your case.
Because FBI was involved in cover-up COINTELPRO operations in the 60's and 70's they are behind bombing and shooting massacres that happen today as well?
I'm not ignoring anything about the story.. so far I know what you know. The difference is that I am naturally and rightfully skeptical about the official story and the back story that is being rolled out right now. I'm not on here creating a new story, so far I'm just paying attention and waiting for a time when I can know the truth.
And Cointelpro isn't the only fcked up thing that happening in American history - it's not the only thing that happened in the 60's n 70's. However, my point is that you and those like you were the SAME exact type of people calling Friends fools back them for even being skeptical. Ask anyone who was in any sort of movement back then, or at any time, and they will tell you there are always those that fall right in line with every official story.
I, along with 12 others, watched the news lie about dates and details of some sh1t I was directly involved in when I was in the military and now I'm supposed to go along and not ignore absolutely anything fishy, like a fckin fool?
When the Iran Contra sh1t was happening there were people who were calling foul... It took some random Iranian to leak it... then it went from conspiracy to US scandal.
This Boston sh1t just happened. So with the US governments history, FBI history, the history of media manipulation, the current culture of fear and painting of boogeymen, and the conflicting initial new reports... I'm the one 'ignoring' sh1t by being skeptical. Gtfoh.

Your the type of person that if someone was like, yo did you know that the head of Chase bank, p bush, GM, goodyear, and a few others tried to use a military coup against FDR to create the Fascist US? you would be like "your type of people sound insane, lol, ha lol, ha.. blah blah".. Then you would find out it was true and be like, "well, duhhh everyone knows that sh1t, why wouldn't they have done something like that, lol, ha, lol, ha".