Brazilian scientists use digital imaging to reveal face of an Ancient Egyptian man #upsetcacs #wokemedia


Jul 25, 2018
Egyptians have plenty of evidence of being bronze-dark skinned for most of their history even the times when Canaan asserted claims over it

it was when Napoleon invaded egypt that the confusion began

Literally every Greek and Roman historian, who wrote of their travels to Egypt and was there at the time has stated the same thing about "the Egyptians." That they were dark skinned with wooly kinky hair and appear and behave not unlike their neighboring people in Ethiopia and the horn of Afriica.

Shout out to Herodotus, a Greek historian, and one of the first modern historians. He explicitly described the people of Colchis as being "dark skinned like the Egyptians" as well as other observations of Egyptians physical appearance, spiritual ideas, and customs. He wrote a book called "Accounts of Egypt" which is probably thhe most comprehensive first hand documentation of Egypt from about 2500 years ago. He makes it very clear that they are not white people, "dark skinned" to put it literally, and they had nothing in common with anyone outside of the African region.

Another Greco-Roman writer at the time once wrote that he can tell two young boys he encountered hiding their identity were obviously Egyptian on account of the visibly "dark skinned legs."

Another writer (may have also been Heroodptus) even described the Egyptians as the tallest and most "handsome" beings he ever seen. :dame:

Again, Herodotus made it more than clear without any dispute that the Egyptians are black, dark skinned African people of an African culture.

He also claimed among other interesting thing they were the first people he ever observed to keep household pets lol.

It's been well documented and confirmed by the Greeks and Romans that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans a long time ago. Of course you won't be learning about those Europeans in grade school. I mean if the Egyptians own fukking art doesn't seal the deal, than tell all the Greek geniuses who were actually there that they are lieing.

It's not even a debate honestly, but lord know he'll hath no fury like an insecure white man.


Jul 25, 2018
Brining up Drake and Steph Curry shows how lost you really are on the topic :russ:

KhoiSan people, fully African. One of the oldest people in the world.

South-Sudanese people, fully African

Both are fully African despite having different hues.
YOU need to stop being an uneducated KOON and understand Black African people come in different shades. Most of them, but NOT all being Darkskin.

Being lighter in hue doesn’t have to mean someone isn’t fully African / Black. That’s what you were alluding to.

Get yaself a passport and go see it for yaself instead of erasing Blackness by making blanket statements that ain’t true. :camby:

This is the result of our poor education system.

its the reason why I'm so glad i reject being "socially conservative" unlike coli nikkas and went to school before all these new age nutty anti-woke, anti-science conservative movements took over our education system.

I was able to learn about REAL biology, genetics, anthhropology, history, Darwinism, natural selection, evolution, sexuality all before I even entered high school. Thank God. Before the evangelical Christian Bush era, the make America great again Trump era, and now the "stop woke; indoctrinatiion of our children!" Desantis movement.

Meanwhile this brain dead generation will sit back, watch racist conservative hicks ban black literature in schools; let alone science, and then ask dumbass questions like "why I cant be a Republican tho"

The anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-sex, and anti-truth, miseducation agenda of conservatives gotta stop. It's just a shame how much people fall for it.

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Anti-blacks are so funny. They don't even notice the deep psyche they have. Something inside is making them irrational.

It's kinda sad.

Everything is a projection, just like them glorifying and overrating Vikings. Their height was average too.

The real fantasy and we wuz is them. Jesus being blonde and blue-eyed german nazi ideal, every bit of Egyptian media until recently being white Europeans etc.

It's just so mad.
We wuz (Vi) kangs!

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
This is the result of our poor education system.

its the reason why I'm so glad i reject being "socially conservative" unlike coli nikkas and went to school before all these new age nutty anti-woke, anti-science conservative movements took over our education system.

I was able to learn about REAL biology, genetics, anthhropology, history, Darwinism, natural selection, evolution, sexuality all before I even entered high school. Thank God. Before the evangelical Christian Bush era, the make America great again Trump era, and now the "stop woke; indoctrinatiion of our children!" Desantis movement.

Meanwhile this brain dead generation will sit back, watch racist conservative hicks ban black literature in schools; let alone science, and then ask dumbass questions like "why I cant be a Republican tho"

The anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-sex, and anti-truth, miseducation agenda of conservatives gotta stop. It's just a shame how much people fall for it.