Honestly, I believe no working woman would want a man that is on the road for 8 months out the year knocking hoes down at every stop. If you are a lawyer, why would you want that in your life?

How many women with drive want to be retired and raise a family? There are very few Savanna’s out here in these streets.

My Wife worked from 22-30 up until we had kids. Do you think she doesn’t think about going back to the office to be a lawyer? She does all the time. Women with drive rather keep their minds busy instead of being on SM all day posting pics.
These ball players catch build a bodies who have nothing going on outside try on hauls, selling teas (is that still a thing?), and booty pump workout programs. That’s just the nature of their environment.

Still at least catch you a hustler that will add to the money and not blow through it. How easy is it to blow through 50Ms after taxes? That’s why you see all these players with podcasts.

Like somebody said earlier in the thread, none of all working men would Wife Megan the Stallion. You at home and work while she on the road twerking for women. You home wondering what dude or strap is running through her drunk ass right now. Talking about baby text me when you free.

Ball players are young and dumb with little guidance nor clout. They running through these IG grips for the clout to get daps from their homies. A bunch of lames.