I’ll compare Cody to HHH if by 2024 he’s ran through the entire roster.
luckily Cody made the right decision.
in the booking of the yet another loss for Darby allin.
that although darby should be getting mainlined to the main event.
this loss was well done. The first loss to Cody by allin was bullshyt tho.
I also believe cody should have had an actual feud with joey janela instead of the one off dynamite kinda squash he gave janela.
only reason i can give the nod to the booking of Cody in those questionable moments is.
outsode allin, cody goes over people.
who pay less attention in the gym than Cody himself.
aew needs more guys to hit the fukk'n gym and bulk up.
I watched these indie guy for twenty years and only a few look like they lift.
which hurts the convincability of the draw of the promotion.
get them motherfukkers in the gym.
the look of the roster is some bullshyt.
this not 2001, and the guys we rooting on not eighteen slash nineteen years old.
they been on the undies for twenty Plus and it is not demonstrative on vanilla midgets. As the so-called derogatory statements of vanilla midgets was made.
by big unskilled political draw based lugs.
who could not work and did not hit the gym. In comparison to the people they were demonstrative to.
who were skilled, and actually were beast in the gym.
art barr
vanilla midgets were made by a bum buster face non-hoop'n ass ehite boi who could not make thr NBA at six foot ten plus. Duke can't talk about nobody and you six foot ten Plus and a buster in hoops.