Don't want them that bad. My Lebron 9 Taxi's will have to do.
Don't want them that bad. My Lebron 9 Taxi's will have to do.
list of coli fam that needs bred XI pairs and their sizes:
@A-Train 9.5
@iMajor 12
@mikishere 12
@TeFLoNBoMBz 9
@Loud Coolin Cliquish 10
i'll keep this updated
i was gonna say i can help out with an 11.5 but ive gotten bombarded with calls today from people that missed out and need em for christmas
"I built this family on loyalty...
... and these Legos --- on el coffee table."
I gotta call from footlocker yesterday saying that i won the raffle for the thunders...i said give em to someone else...ion want em.
sent viaon some tapatalk shyt :mjwin:
Naw breh I'm pretty sure. It's out there people were either pulling out the phones or hitting the door. I have no Idea why they made first come first serve knowing the pandemonium it would cause and the fact people getting robbed and burners pull out on them Same time last year. I'm glad they decide to raffle it off the last minute to ease the crowd because real shyt was going pop off if they stuck with the original plan. At any of the day it was all worth it for meAny YouTube videos of the carnage? Link me to blood in the streets.
Some folk will risk run-ins with the cops & riots over shoes. In the 1960s, civil rights were worth that kind of trouble. But now? Sneaker.
Pro Tip: if the cops just drove a truck through your crowd & threatened to spray mace, then your group should probably disburse. No need to hang out and witness what occurs next. Vacate the premises.
This 10-pair-ordering guy Robert Gomaz in Des Moines Iowa is's R=G poster, or are they two different ppl?
--> aq out <--
U should have sold them
ndc and fnl