17?! My nicca, how do you ever cop heat at that size? Are you just paying resale prices?
Maybe it works in reverse and you’re able to get what you want because not a lot of people are going for a 17.
Also, I hope that you are dunking on niccas on a daily basis.
It’s very difficult. For one, a lot of heat isn’t even made at that size. The heat that does drop at that size, you really gotta be on it because they make very limited amounts. I’m definitely not able to just get what I want. I’m not the only big foot size 17 nygga out here in the world.
Going to resellers? Hell no they charge extremely high for a size 17 shoe.
Having said all that it isn’t that bad, but that’s because I’m use to it. I don’t even consider myself a sneaker head , but I kind of have to move like one in order to get what I want.
I also know when I have to purchase a shoe ASAP and when I can wait and get it at a discounted rate.
Based on my experience, there’s a clear trend on what people my size buy. Nyggas with size 17 shoes like conservative colors. Therefore if some heat drops that is black or white, that shyt is going to be gone immediately. However, if it’s a non conservative color like purple, light blue, or whatever , it’s gonna be available because a lot of bigger dudes don’t even look right rocking certain colors.
My brother also wears size 17, but he’s not gonna jump through hoops to get some shoes. He’s just going to pick what he thinks is best, from what is readily available, which is typically the Nike athletes like Lebron, KD’s, Kyrie’s, & PGs.
I just can’t do that though. I like Jordans, which are hard to get retail at that size