you must forgot that

you must forgot that
Same as the Black Flip 3s....that retailed for $50 less though?
I just copped some nike running shorts from Sports authorization. Errbody in the society rocks bball shorts and my cargo shorts are too bulky for my current taste.
At least with the lebrons being midtops... they'll cover my cankles a bit. Swish.
Nike does that deliberately to create hype.
They do that with kobe's and jordans too. Send the customer the wrong style that isn't set to be released until a later date, knowing its gonna
hit the sneaker blogs and shoe forums.
All engineered to drive hypnitis.
white/blk/red colorways of 3s > 5s but laneys, grapes, black grapes, db 5s, fear 5s maked it kind of tough to not go with 5s overallFam, 3s>>>>>>5s.
white/blk/red colorways of 3s > 5s but laneys, grapes, black grapes, db 5s, fear 5s maked it kind of tough to not go with 5s overall
Just got this a little while ago.........
Same as the Black Flip 3s....that retailed for $50 less though?