But boxing IS different, how? Well in order to emulate Jordan, besides his physical features you need to have his athleticism, supreme confidence, SKILLS, drive, and the rest of his gifts, talents and abilities...that's why ONLY Kobe was the ONLY one to be able to get away with it, while many have failed trying. In order for Jordan to be like Thompson he has to at LEAST jump high because David out jumped everyone to his advantage.
We don't know if this brother has the gifts, talents and abilities to emulate ANYONE. For goodness sake he said he never punched anyone out, only kicks and headbutts

so that's a red flag right there. Fighting is much different than basketball, you can miss a shot or two trying to be like Mike but your behind could get Ko'd being 6'2 trying to be like Hearns or Foster and don't even know how to box, yet. That's why he needs to learn his OWN style first and THEN pick and choose other fighters tendencies to add to his repertoire.