White City Black
Ol’ Basquiat head ass
I’m sure there was at least one time where he saw something on that cruise that made him go, “Oh HELL naw!”I bet Booker took a suitcase full of Febreeze, incense, and cologne on the boat with him.

I’m sure there was at least one time where he saw something on that cruise that made him go, “Oh HELL naw!”I bet Booker took a suitcase full of Febreeze, incense, and cologne on the boat with him.
Hercules wore a chainI know JYD is a legend who paved the way for a lot of breh wrestlers, but…
…Something about a breh wearing a dog collar and leash chain is unsettling
Does the Rock embrace his black side?No Rock?
Tbh I would replace Tony Atlas with Ron Simmons.Ron Simmons gotta be in that list, and Booker himself!
Bobo did the black savage gimmick while in Japan too. In fact, for mybruhs, the character/archetype of Coco Savage in a lot of the 80s wresting games is based on him doing this gimmick.
He won the NWA world championship like 30 years before Ron Simmons won the WCW world beltBobo Brazil being number one warms my furry heart. You barely hear about dude nowadays and his contributions to wrestling from a black perspective.
He won the NWA world championship like 30 years before Ron Simmons won the WCW world belt
Not sure who my 4 would be
Off the top of my head it would prolly be
Ron Simmons
Mark Henry
Booker T
Only naming people I actually watched and am old/young enough to remember
2 Cold Scorpio
Bad News Brown
Tony Atlas
Were all dope too
Tez and Melo gone be up there within the next 10-20 years or so imo
He was supposed to win the title from Diesel in SummerSlam 95. He would have made a dope champ tooMan finally somebody giving Mabel props. Dude saved 1995 and I'm dying on this hill.