BOMBSHELL: Whistle Blower Exposes How Google & Youtube Are Actively Trying To Control & Program YOU


Oct 25, 2012
EDIT: Google is in panic mode and deleted the video i posted a reupload

(New York City) — Project Veritas has released a new report on Google which includes undercover video of a Senior Google Executive, leaked documents, and testimony from a Google insider. The report appears to show Google’s plans to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections and “prevent” the next “Trump situation.”

The report includes undercover footage of longtime Google employee and Head of Responsible Innovation, Jen Gennai saying:

“Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

Said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe:

“This is the third tech insider who has bravely stepped forward to expose the secrets of Silicon Valley. These new documents, supported by undercover video, raise questions of Google’s neutrality and the role they see themselves fulfilling in the 2020 elections.”

Jen Gennai is the head of “Responsible Innovation” for Google, a sector that monitors and evaluates the responsible implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. In the video, Gennai says Google has been working diligently to “prevent” the results of the 2016 election from repeating in 2020:

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.”

“We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

Google: Artificial Intelligence Is For A “fair and equitable” State
According to the insider, Machine Learning Fairness is one of the many tools Google uses to promote a political agenda. Documents leaked by a Google informant elaborate on Machine Learning Fairness and the “algorithmic unfairness” that AI product intervention aims to solve:

The insider showed Google search examples that show Machine Learning Fairness in action.

“The reason we launched our A.I. principles is because people were not putting that line in the sand, that they were not saying what’s fair and what’s equitable so we’re like, well we are a big company, we’re going to say it.” – Jen Gennai, Head Of Responsible Innovation, Google
The Google insider explained the impact of artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Fairness:

“They’re going to redefine a reality based on what they think is fair and based upon what they want, and what and is part of their agenda.”

Determining credible news and an editorial agenda. . .
Additional leaked documents detail how Google defines and prioritizes content from different news publishers and how its products feature that content. One document, called the “Fake News-letter” explains Google’s goal to have a “single point of truth” across their products.

Another document received by Project Veritas explains the “News Ecosystem” which mentions “editorial guidelines” that appear to be determined and administered internally by Google. These guidelines control how content is distributed and displayed on their site.

The leaked documents appear to show that Google makes news decisions about what news they promote and distribute on their site.

Comments made by Gennai raise similar questions. In a conversation with Veritas journalists, Gennai explains that “conservative sources” and “credible sources” don’t always coincide according to Google’s editorial practices.

“We have gotten accusations of around fairness is that we’re unfair to conservatives because we’re choosing what we find as credible news sources and those sources don’t necessarily overlap with conservative sources …”

The insider shed additional light on how YouTube demotes content from influencers like Dave Rubin and Tim Pool:

“What YouTube did is they changed the results of the recommendation engine. And so what the recommendation engine is it tries to do, is it tries to say, well, if you like A, then you’re probably going to like B. So content that is similar to Dave Rubin or Tim Pool, instead of listing Dave Rubin or Tim Pool as people that you might like, what they’re doing is that they’re trying to suggest different, different news outlets, for example, like CNN, or MSNBC, or these left leaning political outlets.”

Internal Google Document: “People Like Us Are Programmed”
An additional document Project Veritas obtained, titled “Fair is Not the Default” says “People (like us) are programmed” after the results of machine learning fairness. The document describes how “unconscious bias” and algorithms interact.

Veritas is the “Only Way”
Said the insider:

“The reason why I came to Project Veritas is that you’re the only one I trust to be able to be a real investigative journalist. Investigative journalist is a dead career option, but somehow, you’ve been able to make it work. And because of that I came to Project Veritas because I knew that this was the only way that this story would be able to get out to the public.”

“I mean, this is a behemoth, this is a Goliath, I am but a David trying to say that the emperor has no clothes. And, um, being a small little ant I can be crushed, and I am aware of that. But, this is something that is bigger than me, this is something that needs to be said to the American public.”

Project Veritas intends to continue investigating abuses in big tech companies and encourages more Silicon Valley insiders to share their stories through their Be Brave campaign.

As of publishing, Google did not respond to Project Veritas’ request for comment. Additional leaked Google documents can be viewed HERE.

Other insider investigations can be viewed here:

Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam – Project Veritas
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Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
I know right nut jobs but you can't deny they do expose real shyt sometimes. They exposed Pinterest so bad they had videos from creators removed from youtube

they also exposed how planned parenthood was in the business of selling aborted fetus body parts...can't believe the dude behind them isn't dead yet.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
I know they're right nut jobs, but you can't deny they do expose real shyt sometimes. They exposed Pinterest so bad they had videos from creators removed from youtube

this is why I don't take the anti-trump left leaning crying seriously at all...they are not the down trodden little guy fighting the rich bullies like in the 90's any more

this is a new century the left is very powerful, they run silicon valley, hollywood and the media, they take people down and silence their opposition all the time...

the question is why aren't black folks, who helped them get these billions in the 60's-90's, getting any of kickbacks? that's for another discussion though :coffee:


Oct 25, 2012
What about Pinterest?
At work & cant watch video right now. So this is the 2nd raised hand to learn how they exposed Pinterest. I love Pinterest.

Yesterday, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas ran an expose of how the social media application Pinterest blacklisted pro-life mega-site Life Site as “porn” and deleted Christian phrases and themes from autocomplete and from search results. Shortly after Project Veritas sent out their story by Twitter, their Twitter account was locked down for allegedly distributing communications belonging to another party. See Twitter Suspends Project Veritas for Revealing Pinterest Blocked Pro Life Website as Porn. This was a patently bullsh** ruling by Twitter…which is sort of par for the course these days…as it effectively outlaws investigative journalism on Twitter. No one believes they want to do that but we all know that they were acting to try to limit the damage to Pinterest.

Now YouTube, the same Mensa members who have been pulling down videos of Nazi atrocities on Holocaust sites in order to fight fascism, have jumped into the fray and deleted the Project Veritas video on the same subject. This is from my post (see above link) where the video was embedded:


This is how YouTube defended its action:

In a statement to Breitbart News, a YouTube spokesman said “The privacy of our users is important to us, that’s why we created robust privacy guidelines. If someone feels their privacy has been violated on YouTube, they can file a privacy complaint and we will promptly remove the content if it violates our guidelines.”

What YouTube did was take a rule that is clearly intended to protect random persons from being identified on YouTube and turned it into a tool that makes any hidden camera or police body cam video a violation of terms of service. Except, as I said, we all know that is not what this is about. This is about controlling speech and suppressing political viewpoints

Is this really a bombshell?

It's not to me, but most people deny it's happening or claim it's not that seriously and people are blowing it out of proportion.
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