IDK, these dudes are wild... riding on motorcycles murking politicians and women and children wild.
But You can make change, just not by yourself. Most people who are in a position to help situations really could care less about the people or situation - mainly they care about their own lives and ideologies and talking . Me and my friends adopt children and villages in certain areas... but that only saves that 1 kid or 5.. those kids are less likely to be sucked into that terror life. The Real cause of it, of course, is poverty and ignorance - not some religion. Some Christian politicians and leaders back Boko Haram and the group kills Muslims non stop so all the ideology behind it is BS.
So yeah I agree as well - our lives lead to a slippery slop, but not only for us personality. Leading an over saturated, westernized life that isolates you from the world is bad - especially when u can only view the world through your lens and your American so-called Progressive High Horse.
If we had powerful lobbies in the house that cared about these issues then it would be an easy fix - and they would get the Israel level support. Mainly people should care... I mean 1 person over here can donate peanuts to help a village. me n my bro have donated madd goats n other BS- that seems petty but really helps. I went to an event at a bar the other night, most people there party and spend over $100 a month - some spend up to 1K a month on parting. IF all 500 of those people spend 100 and focus on a devastated area, that 50K a year... IF 50K people do the same thats around 60 million... which helps madd villages that year... The kids learn to write and even write u letter that are then translated to let u know how that shyt helps. So I think people can make an impact.