i'm still kind of new to this, should i sell my limit buy and buy on the market? i feel like they gonna try some shyt
If you listen to that interview the CEO danced around everything. He used fluffy PR talk and tried to frame it as the company protecting it's customers and their hands being forced by regulators. It's pretty obvious Robinhood had a liquidity crisis and had to take drastic action. Cuomo shredded the them shyts woulda ran today...dirty dirty dirty shyt they pulled
Don't feel bad SoFi doesn't even offer it to buy.I cant even log into RobUhood to hit a lick on doge. Will love seeing them go under
I cant even log into RobUhood to hit a lick on doge. Will love seeing them go under
Don't feel bad SoFi doesn't even offer it to buy.
tommorow is going to be a hell of a day, *if* if we're to happen and this shyt goes up to $1k a share am out with my two shares
, reddit says to hold until Monday but idk if I have the to do it
My little brother bought $900 worth of DOGE... then bought another $680
The $900 turned into $2,000 that he sold off.
The $680 right now has turned into $3,300he's not touching that, waiting on India and China to go through their Friday