All Star
the hardest things for me in trading/investing is learning not to overtrade and not looking back when i've sold a stock
fukk TDOC, I’m down like 1300 since they converted LVGO to TDOC....smh, I should’ve sold LVGOI didn't buy Wynn at 70 like I had thought about. It's over 100 today
On the other hand, I didn't sell and get out of the market like I thought about a week before election. If you're young (30's or lower. Even 40s), just use money you can afford to set to the side and invest. Long term you should be up if you don't invest like an idiot.
Teledoc is starting to look good on this drop.
We don't trade Tesla herei my actually sell out of my tesla position while in mild profit, this green seems unrealistic
say it louder for those in the backWe don't trade Tesla here. We hold