Yep. Have 6k sharesYou buy in?
Good ovewview. When you combine this with other indicators like rsi, pattern recognition , it helps you win probability in trades. This is why all that matters to me is price action, it always comes first.shyt's deep but the crux of it is, everything in the universe grows and contracts following the same proportions and ratios, including human thoughts, which you can describe prices as. Every price is a point in time where one human agrees to sell and another agrees to buy, at a price. So when looking at price/ time charts you can use universal math (encoded in the pyramid).
The fibonacci spiral and the extensions you see people talk about in technical analysis are variants of the Phi ratio 1.68. Go on trading view and pull something up and find the fibonnaci extension tool and start at a low point somewhere and fit that shyt up to a peak and peep the levels. That's a crude example and I'm not an expert but do that to dip your toe in the water.
The BTC dip down to 29.9 k the other day spiked down to a fibonnaci level exactly. This is because it's a psychological point where price has created a base/ support that it difficult to break through. You can use it on any time frame you like since it involves proportions that can be used at any scale......
Crude overview but shyt is really interesting get into it
I knew they would do it
now I need them to release their stock on the app before it opens
Buying puts on SoFi?IPOE 6/18 12.50p $.43 so .40
6/18 $15p 1.15
My buys for Monday
Post merger fallBuying puts on SoFi?
MSOS etfBesides PLNHF, what other canabis stocks are worth looking into right now?
shoutout to the dude in the discord who turned roughly $450 in 6 figures due to buying up some shytcoin a few months ago.. a usa vet in the chat gave him the heads up on it
anywho, need up to 6 persons whose gonna be active and contribute, we got a fella in the coli stock discord who turned 40k in millions last year, i hope the rest of us follow
if you interested dm me![]()