Where are you getting these numbers from majority of the people I know who watched those movies watched them on HBO max. Just because you are holding a bag messing with AMC doesn’t mean others don’t know what they are talking about. And it’s definitely not a need to be rude about the bs.
A lot of us have some shares we are just holding that we know aren’t likely to really do anything.
AMC is a public company they have to release their earnings report every Quarter, do you even know how this shyt work
AMC gets paid of HBO MAX, that's how the studios were allowed to release the shyt on HBO MAX, that was the deal was brokered they get a piece of that
have you ever been on the AMC website, they have their own streaming service lmao
nikka you can google the box office numbers for King vs Godzilla, it did 300 million open day lmao, all this shyt is verifiable with a google search
I'm not hear to convince you, I'm not being rude by stating
you saying what most people do is sounds fukking stupid, AMC is a worldwide company, most people you know are a non factor in the grand scheme of things
And also You don't even understand how theaters make money
For one they've been renting out the theaters to people, you can rent the theater, people do it to watch movies with the people, and even game
Secondly, AMC doens't make money off ticket sales
they make money off the shyt they sell you in the theater
So everytime they sell a soft drink
that's like you simple simon ass nikkaz buying one of those shyt coins for a fraction of sent, but instead of waiting for a bunch dummies to get suckered to pump it, they get an instant pump, selling a small ass cup of soda for 3-4 dollars, they get instantly lmao, add the popcorn and all the other bullshyt they doing 1000x every goddamn day
that's why the company has been around since 1920 and is worth around 2 billion
Also, AMC is not going out of business any time soon
for the simple fact, they have 3 million share holders
Adam Aron works for me and all the other share holders
Why do you think companies go public and sells stocks, they do it for capital DUMB ASS
So if they have 3 million share holders who've been buying millions of shares, AMC is loaded with fukking money right now, they are stronger than ever before in the 100 year history company
but enough free business lessons, I'ma start charging you nikkaz and no i don't take crypto
Learn first before opening mouth if you want respect