The financials might be good on TTCF but I'm still struggling to see what they bring to the table (no pun). Unless I'm mistaken, they are a organic/veggie/vegan frozen food company.
IMO when it comes to food, the real money maker is in meat alternatives (plan based or lab grown) where the potential will be limitless. I'm not saying it's a bad play, just that the potential looks low to me.
Polls show that vegans/vegetarians are ok to eat lab grown meat as long as the whole process is respectful/don't harm animals. IMO, anything that will be plant based only, will be crushed once lab grown meat become more efficient to produce. Pretty sure this is happening this decade.
However the EATS etf is getting brutalized for a couple of weeks now. And Meatech is not doing good either so it's complicated to invest in those at the moment