
thought you meant the actual bike, i'm like how does this happen?Sticking to the tried and trues since that’s the only thing keeping my portfolio up
Accidentally lost my peloton due to a stop loss I set months ago I’ll go back in after their mess is cleaned up
Argo Blockchain breh, look into them. Pulled back recently as well so decent buy in opportunity if you're interested.
More TTCF.
Moved off a couple stagnant spac
Added more ttcf.
Added more Clov this AM at the low.
What I’m not sure about is if they will be back. If crypto keeps rising retail is gone until it stops.
we don't need a bunch of retail back though.. that's only for the super small caps mostly. Large funds are what move your plays. So as long as you are putting money into your high convictions and have done your proper dd you will come out fine.
Agree with you on dip buying. Have to do it in waves... but impossible to actually time the bottom.
I may get into $BLOK... I need crypto exposureI got 1500 shares in SOS.
Im either going to be hood rich or go down in glorious flames
Im prepared for bof
AABB was printing, but the penny game is dead man. i was close to pulling out when i 2x'd, but everyone had $1 PT for it and i got i'm just hoping it runs againI want to add some more berkshireB it’s really no point in me waiting for a dip because this s
at this point I only have high conviction stocks...Except HCMC (hoping Phillip Morris cuts a check) and something called AABB (I'm stuck)....But I noticed for my plays like the HCMC and AABB they used to get pumped by youtubers and others buying it and it would allow me to get out.
I'm sitting here plotting on some more Berkshire B and Apple but first I'm trying to get my PLTR to 300 shares I'm at 200 now.