Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
I'm buying more rite aid at the open on monday
my friend is extremely bullish on banks...especially TD and now BAC apparrently. i keep telling him hes crazy thoughcanadian banks going down with oil and a bad employment print. All eyes on Alberta.
I'm really surprised by the lack of diversity in a lot of economies around the world.
@Domingo Halliburton
Have you kept an eye on XIN?
I know you asked about that stock awhile ago... saw an article about a Chinese real estate default that reminded me...
Looks like it's down 50% since you asked in summer
my friend is extremely bullish on banks...especially TD and now BAC apparrently. i keep telling him hes crazy though
too much reliance on oil/mining in canada. if oil and gold continue suffering so will they. at these levels in the stock market no way im investing in banks .. returns are hard enough to squeeze for em as it is not to mention near the end of a bull run
only canadian bank i like is rbc. at least they have a consistent investment bank
Only got one holding right now...a modest $500 in Cenovus energy. Will probably increase the holding to 1000 soon and then purchase one more oil and gas or materials stock (I like CPG but it's ran up quite a bit...I like teck resources too). Then I'll be moving into another sector (probably consumer discretionary next). The market being so high is gonna have me investing cautiously though if at all. Cause i'm kinda lazy to do thorough research how I used to. options for now... Only equities.
Coverage Initiated- Tenx
will have something posted by this time next week.
you think the US is should see Canada.these oil companies are ___ed!
I think it will be a long time before I find a trade as obvious as ACHN was for me.are they the next ACHN?