Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
CPG up 10%? better fall back down
seems like the whole canadian energy sector is rallying. ENY up almost 6%
CPG up 10%? better fall back down
yep. we'll see if its shortlivedseems like the whole canadian energy sector is rallying. ENY up almost 6%
Its not just Canadian. What's going on here? Crude is down again today.seems like the whole canadian energy sector is rallying. ENY up almost 6%
Its not just Canadian. What's going on here? Crude is down again today.
TLM valuation could be the catalyst for everyone rethinking what these producers are worth right now as well. Interesting day to say the least.stocks rally before the commodity does. maybe this is the bottom? I don't know what's going on.
can I shadow your moves and give you half of my profits?