Gotta hold now until that Baidu partnership bears fruit ... 5-7 yearstrying to get an invite but even messaging the WSB mods won't go thru
i dont know if i sell BB or hold...![]()
We might win the battle, but Wall St will win the war. The hammer is gonna come down on this shyt. Economies live and die on the stock market. Retirement funds live there. There's no way a coordinated effort to baselessly drive up prices to squeeze shorts will sustain because when the market loses its mind, confidence is gone. Money managers will move out of equities. As much as I've enjoyed watching this, it's a systemic threat that will be swiftly crushed.
When millions of people can't conspire to drive up the price, it naturally drops back down to earth. It has a lot farther to fall.
That was my plan all along. Now it's just gonna be a little bit less. I was hoping to turn half a stack into a few racks, but perhaps it wasn't meant to bewhen the market opens tomorrow, first thing i'm doing is selling BB and AMC. i'll throw what ever i have left from those stocks into tesla or rblx and make the money back.
Bruh forcing a squeeze on one stock is not enough to bring down the entire system. Hedge funds do this shyt on both sides every day, why is that ok? Why should the situation that allowed this to happen to begin with even be legal? You shouldnt be able to sell shares that dont exist, it makes no sense.