investing has totally changed how I look at money. I didn't think about it before I started doing it but you can't really out work money. The more money you can get in income the more money you can have your money make for you.
Most people make more money but use that money to fund lifestyle creep. If you took a person that made $50K and the next year they started making $100K they're moving and getting a better car and new furniture. If I was that person I'd keep living how I was living and invest all the excess past what I had with the $50K.
My parents did a lot for me. They drilled into me fiscal responsibility, maintaining good credit, debt avoidance. They did not teach me anything about investing and I kinda resent that. If I would have really known about investing in my late teens or early 20s my life would probably be completely different now. My pops was anti-stock market. He didn't understand it and looked at it as gambling so I adopted his attitude and ignored it until age 35. When it comes to growing my investments I can't get that time back.