Came across this on my feed just now and thought it was interesting.
Ettie Video Doorbell Can Measure Visitors' Temperature | Digital Trends
Basically it's a doorbell that measures temp and also has the ability to keep track of amount of people entering. Great for small businesses that want to limit capacity and also help keep those that may have a fever out to prevent spreading it to others. Even good for personal consumers too. Don't know how far advanced they are or what the capabilities are. I think it's likely they got bought out by a major player like ring or arlo but something to keep an eye on. Imagine you invite a guest over and the doorbell says they got a temp of like 102 or whatever the fever standard is. Can hit them with the
better take your ass home, before they even walk thru the door.
Here's their website.
Not seeing anything about being able to invest in them but maybe someone has better research capabilities on that than I do. Looks like they've won some innovation awards and deal mostly with home improvement stuff. They got something called Cubit which lets you plan something on the app with AR then use the small tool to plot where it needs to go. The example they used on the video is hanging picture frames and a tv. Guess it's like a tracker thing that measures the accuracy of the item you want to put up so it's even. Like they used multiple picture frames so they all look even across and not one higher or lower than the other. Uses lasers and measuring wheels so eliminates use of measuring tape. But I don't know how disruptive this could be to the hardware industry so doesn't seem like it's anything groundbreaking. They only have 6800 IG followers and 332 Twitter followers so definitely a small and unknown company. Might just stay small time or might become well known. Who knows. Maybe this doorbell thing can be their big break.