slack is interesting play, but i'd probably take Microsoft over slack....
I'm highly invested in ARK so I get a piece of SLACK anyways.
i don't get the dropbox hate other than it's sideway movement for way too long. and other than wall street hating on this gem
i mean this company has been in the game since 2007. google and microsoft joined the party 2010. and dropbox is still here.

so for 10 years it took the blow from google and microsoft. and yet dropbox is still the household name.
and then there is a competitive advantage for dropbox. it's much easier for the integration with others cuz it's an open source.
Dropbox Open Source
and they got a decent CEO. he is a visionary. dropbox CEO proposed buying Slack for 1 bil while back. the board said hell no, so it didn't happen. fast forward slack is a 15 bil market cap.
fortunately dropbox bought hellosign last year for 230mil. i think this was a good move. CEO definitely knows what he's doing. their board needs to let him do his thing.
like FE, i'm thinkn 5x. but there is a potential to 10x if they find a way to grow more. love the cash flow and love the fact it's the first mover.
7 bil market cap? that's dirt cheap for this company.
Solid 5 year hold for me.