All I know is this shyt better break double digits
it better be. it sure aint fun just waitin for somethin to pop.
All I know is this shyt better break double digits
No they don't Apple processors beat snapdragons on performance of the line android phones destroy iphones in performance, but that doesnt matter to Apple fans. They just want Apple and nothin else. its the power of the brand.
No they don't Apple processors beat snapdragons on performance scores.
FB anti trust suit
How is Nikola still valued at $12.4 B
The cloud software company Snowflake Tuesday afternoon priced an offering of 28 million shares at $120 a share, according to a person familiar with the situation, above the recently increased target range of $100 to $110 a share. Snowflake stock was first indicated at $160 a share just after 10 a.m., climbed as high as $235-$240 just after 11:30 a.m. before slipping to $230-$235. It has yet to trade.
How disruptive snowflake, when they legit do the same shyt everyone else does.
$235 is ridiculous...wonder how far this runs up. their employees who get to cash out in the next 3-6 months tho
i've worked in cloud infrastructure/cloud computing the past 4 years. there are a lot of specialized services within cloud - storage, warehousing, compute, containers/virtual machines, cdn, etc - there's space for a lot of players. companies like snowflake specialize in what they do and create products devs love to use (they easily integrate into multiple tech stacks), there's also inherent risk in vendor lock (using AWS or MSFT for all your cloud needs - they don't do everything well, and if there is an outage or breach, you're SOL if you're not spreading your storage/compute/content across multiple services). snowflake will be fine, lots of companies are thriving in the cloud space even with the big 3.Thing of it is, most the cloud marketshare in consumed by Google, Amazon and Microsoft.
How disruptive snowflake, when they legit do the same shyt everyone else does.