If you're an invester the gamble is does CCL survive this without bankruptcy and come back. They just financed a lot of debt. Billions worth so they can survive. If you sell now you lock in a loss unless you take the proceeds and move them over to another closely priced stock.should i sell CCL and buy ERI? my CCL is at -65%.my average share is $24. what would you do breh? i never sold a stock when they were down this bad before.
If you're gonna hold CCL then hold it for 2-5 years. If you're gonna sell set a target price and dump at that price.
I'll be selling my CCL when it gets back to $16-$17 because there's other things I want to do with that money. Don't want it tied up years with them just to hope to get back to breaking even. Hell MGM is a better investment at this point.