There are some things to keep in mind about Boeing. They're taking on massive amounts of debt. It's going to take them a long time to come back from all this. A. Very. Long. Time. They could declare bankruptcy and all your stock will be dissolved. Also when they stop that dividend the share price will fall even more.
There's just too many problems there. It's better to stay away even though I too wanna buy it I won't be. Don't look at the stock and say this was a $400 stock last year it will go back to that because it may never happen. If Boeing falls into the $70s I'll buy some. Other than that even if I want to I just can't.
Boeing only has 1 competition breh. And we rely on them for our defense. they make Apache and shyt.
Boeing: Defense Overview
So IT'S TOO BIG TO FAIL. our government won't allow it. They are too important. Trump will do whatever it takes to keep them alive.
and remember before 737 fiasco Boeing was a clear cut lead dog. Now they've learned their lesson they will get to the drawing board and focus on safety first. and once the virus is over, it will fly. I fully expect it will go back to $400+ in 3 -4 years. that's 4x return while i'm getting the dividend. and upside is ridiculous because again they only have 1 other competition. And i'll keep my share forever until I retire.
and if it dips again i'll continue to build my position.
oh by the way I just dropped on 4grand on DAL. and i'll buy buy if it dips more.