For someone who is a novice but has 30k cash what are your recommendation for long term holds 5-10 years im not about that day trade stuff. So far I have 1k invested in disney, looking into getting Amazon and facebook next

I would buy 100 shares of Disney. In 10 years 100 shares of Disney would make you a millionaire easily. If you never did anything else with stocks, have that shyt locked.

Aside from that, I would have at least 50% of your portfolio dedicated to dividends.
EPR - Great dividend stock that is on sale right now. Not only will you get double your money back when the market returns, it will hold during the recession. I would buy 200 shares of this, then when the market goes back to normal and this is around 80-100 a share, sell half. That way you made all your money back and you can sit and eat off the dividends for free.
CMG - You'll double your money within a year or 2, Long term I don't know though, they seem to be overvalued right now.
WEN - Highly recommended. Will be where Mcdonalds is in 10 years. Small dividend as well.
YUM - No brainer food stock that will rise with inflation. You also get a small dividend.
MSFT - No brainer plus they give dividends.

33% of your port should be Disney, 50% dividends and the rest some SP 500 mainstream stocks like Amazon, FB, MSFT and the like. That way you can't go wrong and you'll win based on inflation alone, all the while getting dividends.