do you think tesla will have another big drop down the road? or it will cross $500 and continue up?
Until Tesla can consistently post profits expect it to drop again. It's a company people are skittish about. When good news comes there's a huge run up and when bad news hits people run for the hills. Many of the people investing in it don't fully believe in it they just wanna be around for the next "Amazon" and hope Tesla can be it.
I won't buy anymore right now because I don't have the stomach for the rollercoaster that stock is. If you're buying you should be looking at the very long term. Of course short term gains like the run its on would be tempting to sell but this is really only a stock people should be buying for the very long term.
Right now electric cars aren't even 5% of what's out there so if Tesla will be the dominant company in that category the upside is far more that what we've seen in the last few months. Of course to get that far you've gotta be willing to possible see your position lose maybe half its value if another rough patch is hit.