been dibbling in options more lately and hit a big one with NBEV two days ago. bought 12 contracts with a $3 strike price when the stock was ~2.85 and sold once it hit $3.49 that same day. i got a notification saying NBEV had a big announcement involving Nestea and immediately went for it. made %1500 on my money. the contracts came out to $120 and got back a a nice chunk of change in 2 hours. and of course i had to put a put on it with a $3 strike right after. in the money with the stock at 2.73 right now. hopefully it drops to 2.60.
i saw that report on JNJ and thought of picking some up as well, but will let it play out for a week or two before deciding on anything. i am also interested in picking up boeing. earnings are coming up so i was thinking an option call for boeing might be a good play right now. boeing will most likely recover and get back to over $400 or real close to it.