Blunts are for people who just want a quick, dirty high because it is not real tobacco or if its a backwood or pure tobacco leaf there is more tobacco than herb. Joints are for people who want to enjoy the herb almost purely(cleaner taste and high) as long you use thin papers like raw or dlx and you grind your herb up real good and pack tight for a slow even burn(joint rollers are perfect for this). Blunts are so thick they make you think its your rolling skiills that help give the slow burn. Bongs are for those who want a quick, cool, rushey type hit. Vaporizers are for the true herbalist who want the ultra clean taste, high, and healthiness due to no burning and willing to learn what is necessary to learn to achieve this like proper temperature, inhale technique,proper grind, and herb storage. I'm in the vaporizer category and I can't turn back unless it's a joint rolled with DLX or raw papers and that is just when I want a real strong herb taste but even then the burning taste gets in the way but it's way better than blunts. I can tell if a person is serious about this herb thing based on what they prefer to puff with or if they're a newbie to this or just want to get high which is a sign of other things I need to know about them..