the cac mamba
Blu - Fly (SongOfLiberation) - YouTube - This song is so fukking underrated
And yes Below the Heavens took a huge shyt on the 2000s. Best album of the decade hands down.

Blu - Fly (SongOfLiberation) - YouTube - This song is so fukking underrated
And yes Below the Heavens took a huge shyt on the 2000s. Best album of the decade hands down.
Below the Heavens is literallyto the ears, but don't sleep on 'Give Me My Flowers While I Can Smell Them'
blu & exile - more out of life - YouTube
blu & exile - the only one - YouTube
blu & exile - she said its ok - YouTube
Blu best work wasn't on "Below the heavens"
He put out so much good ish in 2011, No York, Give Me My Flowers While I Can Smell Em, Open, Jesus, and UCLA just dropped a couple months ago.
I didn't mean any album in particular, just his overall work cuz blu is kinda random with his releases. check this 4 disc compilation to get an idea:
and which album would that be? did I miss this and produced by madlib......
The Flowers album was decent........Its like that first album was was greatly produced, great lyrics, to me it even seemed radio friendly, considering all the "stuff" Drake puts out now, I mean Blu had some of those same sappy love songs, but they weren't corny or overly simpish and whining.
Blu - "Greater Love"
Blu & Exile - No Greater Love - YouTube
I don't know, try and recreate another album like the first, and if it doesn't work then move on and keep doing what he feels, more and better collabos especially..