Grounded? This game is like 10 dollars every other week on steam

Age of Empires 2? Are you shytting me? A 5 year old game
Doom is always multiplat what are you talking about
This the 5 course meal Microsoft serving up at the Playstation bistro
Meanwhile Sony is just going down the list of their highest selling and highest rated games and putting them on the PC
Do you guys not realize how ridiculous you look
"Take that Xbox Stans. We are going to play the remastered version of a 5 year old game just like you are. What do you think about that."
Imagine pining for Halo after it's been all used up and nobody wants it anymore

. They could barely give this game away
You guys just don't understand how you are leading yourselves to your own destruction with this trash.
This time next generation they going to be selling you PS6...6.2...6.6...6.6A....and 6.7...for 800 dollars a system