Any ''pro black feminist with natural hair'' is a white worshipping,. fake semi air headed social activist, social climbing bed wench whore to me until proven otherwise. I know not all black women with feminist leanings and with natural hair is a black man hating feminist wench, but many many are.
They are talking loud but they are not walking at all.
Actions over words.
Hair hats at least stay loyal to us even if they dont talk woke. Politics and history go over their heads. But deep in their instincts, they prefer black men and stay loyal.
My girl has an afro and is pro black and never has even been with a white dude. Hell she half white/liberian and utterly detests most white people. They out there but they are minority. You right, most chicks I see on that pro black tip are pro swirl to fetish levels. Its this one cac I know who is "BLM" and liberal and only dates sistas. One of his cac brehs even called him out on how it seems like a fetish more than anything...