Stop tryna push your beliefs on me doggy
I was born muslim in Christian family moms cuban moor(NOI/FOI) pops in jail but his moms my granny native american christian moor woman.
Ive.studied multiple faiths. Rastafari,buddah,Ganesh, hunaman, etc
My brother was a 5% Kingpin in Newark NJ ive met doctor Khalid Muhammad Ive even became a born again christian(baptised after singing in church and shyt) after 2 consecutive cycles (19 weeks) of basic army training...not to mention 14 more weeks of advanced army training only to see a brother selling final call front the liquor store when i needed faith again...basically the higher powers Taught me that god or watever u may call that can come from anywhere...all sources and religions contain good shyt but religion is being used against u in a court of law
I am capable of providing details and intricacies but i am simply saying
Chill out: