First, I was simply going on the information that I had heard last year about Jewish heritage. I haven't followed much about his parents since last year. I heard enough. He was white. He was a judge. The name was Zimmerman. And this happened in Florida. Jewish just jumped out at me. Too be quite honest I could have easily said he was white and it wouldn't have made much of a difference to me.
Second, I really don't know or care too much about Jewish relations with anybody. I do not have a position on Jews -- for or against. (This broad label of Hispanic, though. I do have a position on it.)
Third, I do stereotype. Everyone does. The difference between our message board stereotypes and Zimmerman's -- is the cost of a young life. Zimmerman's stereotyped.
Do I have a huge problem with that? Sorta. Call the cops, ok.
Pursue and start throwing around accusations of inherent and assumed criminality for merely being present in an area. Yeah, I got a problem with that.
Take it another step forward and kill the young man that you could have avoided and let the proper authorities deal with. Yup, bigger problem for me.
I stereotype. Everyone does. But not everyone takes action on the stereotypes they know which results in someone's death.
I agree about everything about Message board stereotypes and Mr. Martin's killer's stereotypes.
Annonymity brings about a lot of taboo truth in peopel, something that they believe deep down inside, even when they troll.
I'd have loved to see Mr. Martin's killer's message board posts if he had any.
The are some sick evil white people. There are some condescending pseudo charitable white people. Regardless though, hate is hate bruh.
I'm just saying the last thing I would want for us as blacks or any other minority... is to become just like those who have discrimnated on us for years.
The conflicts in many parts of Africa show... one group that has been routinely abused finally gets power and then routinely abuses the other in revenge, those children grow up with hate, take over and routinely abuse the other group. A sad fukking cycle.
We breed that same hate (difference is it isn't misplaced like white, but still dangerous) and our children grow up with false sesnses of caution and prejudice.
Cultural hell for me would be to get into an era were Blacks start becoming just as unfairly biased and hateful against other groups...