It was Themis's panel. The topic was if Destiny was a racist based on his interaction with FD Signifier.
Is started with Aba trolling in the comments and eventually got on the panel. Then FD pulled up and Aba ran like a bytch. FD started with a whole bunch of nothing word salad. Then the chat started roasting him about him trying to take down Kidlogy boring ass.
Then Destiny pulls up and FD runs for the hills. Themis and Kaye start grilling him about using the N word. Destiny is 10 toes down and basically says

if I'm rapping to the beat. But does a pretty good job of explaining his other points.
Then Cyn G pulls up and has a shytty ass internet connection. Destiny asks her questions about her content and basically makes him extremely uncomfortable in the most hilarious fashion. She tells him he agrees with her and to stop pretending like he doesn't. He damn near passes out and runs. He wasn't ready.
Then Courtney's dumb ass chimes in in the comments and gets lightly roasted by Cyn. Then Courtney starts begging for a debate with Cyn. Cyn basically say Courtney ass always begging for her attention but never pulls up on her channel. Nobody cares about Courtney and then they start talking about making a Cyn G VS Destiny debate happen.