Cave Savage
seems so,
And that relates to, that honestly latinas are overrated
when you get rid of the Black, and triacial/Biracial/mixed with black ones. Your stuck with indiginous/mestizo/and white hispanics. Altho some may be fine as hell.
alot areand as someone who lives in a Western state packed with Mexicans(Mestizo, white, native). and with them being 95% of latinos you see their weird shaped bodies.
Anyone who disagrees is lying to themselves because knowing how much shyt is talked about Mexican women on the Coli. You, I, and everyone else on here knows its true
Get rid of the black, and latinas are just barely above East Asian women really.
But seriously,
There's a reason why the best looking Latinos have significant amounts of Black and Afro-latins(Ricans, Dominicans, etc) and those that don't are(Mexicans)
Mexican girls really don't have ass like that on average, I'm not sure why they're stereotyped as having fat asses
Before someone says that's because I live in New York, I went to Las Vegas (the non tourist parts are packed with mestizo Mexicans) and most of the girls there had medium sized asses