First traveled as a teen and came back tellin ALL the brehs on the block they needed to get they passport, most didnt, still was goin to club wasting money for yearsss when you could have an amazing experience for about the same. Did convince some brehs eventually and all enjoyed but it was hard to put brehs on back then, Idk what type of programming was done that people think getting a passport is expensive and traveling is some going to the moon type shyt.We know how many ADOS Men have passports ADOS women have more passports and they take way more Girl's trips I mean there's several movies about this.
Most people who have passports don't travel I had one for years without traveling. My boy been overseas twice, His first trip he talked about it at work and the women on the job started hating. Homie is not planning to move overseas or even to travel like that he basically came down here to see me.
In fact he tought I was still in Kenya that's how long it took him to make a trip about 5 years.
And coming on here I was really oblivious, maybe its because in south florida you gonna be surrounded with people popping in and out from all the islands and surrounding areas but coming on here and seeing how brehs get giddy and celebrate if a black man dies over seas in one thread but complain about racism, history of america, cost of living, inflation, traffic, crime, heads getting blown off on subways, and not see the cognitive dissonance. These gotta be chat bots programmed to hate black men or something..