Do you believe that in REALITY,that Donald Glover born in Atlanta could not find a weird,nerdy,cornball suburban black woman if he really wanted one
But I don't care how hard it was for him and he is free to do whatever he wants.Black women don't want the guy now far as I can tell,he can fukk who he chooses. People are just pointing out his bullshyt and phoniness,and that he needs to be real careful with how he portrays black women and men in his show since he is not "hood" and not in a relationship with a black woman. Why exactly would you have a problem with this?Seems like you have personal bone to pick with black women,more than they have a personal bone to pick with Donald Glover.
Him and Issa need to get the warning that we are watching,and they better not line step. The lack of authenticity from both shows,and I'm sure reflects in their shows,where we see black people played out as caricatures. Never saw hers,but I'm sure its the same.