Your post is kinda all over the place, but I always appreciate a well thought out post. A lot of it is generalizing though. I bolded this point because it's off. Most people prefer to be with their own kind. Black, white, asian, whatever....You can't really say all white people want us or want to be with us when we literally have groups like the KKK that want us all dead. That's a generalization that's only 50% true, if that. A lot of your perspective comes from being black in America, but America is just a small part of the world. Most countries, cultures, peoples stick amongst each other. Interracial dating and relationships is still very much taboo in most parts of the world.
all general speak is based on generalizations, as a rule.
i don't speak in exceptions to the rule unless i state it.
or i actually state the exact person/principal in question.
outside of that, i am international breh.
just being an american black male.
makes me the most desireable actual male anything on the planet.
i can generally walk in any establishment and get hit on in a fueled sexually charged and immediate manner by a white woman.
[internationally white woman are any race that is not black. united states passed a law that made all other white people minorities if they are not directly caucasian. so white is the rest of the world and then we are black.]
ferally in nature, all those other races all want to be the original man.
all their actual cultures come from us and they actually know it more than even you or i know.
or they will be honest about.
internationally just me being a black american.
generally, i am in the pole position as an alpha male.
nobody else in the world of a race can do what a black american man can do as far as getting up with women.
as the other people in the world base getting up with women on soft johning at their core.
black american men are attributed to being desireable
simply because we write the rules on how to approach and secure a woman.
black american women are attributed to being the most desireable.
as black american women are the gatekeepers to what is acceptable from women to accept in general romantically/sexually.
it is why we are studied in the manner we are here in america.
ain't nobody watching nobody else in the world do nuffin at all, besides spending habits on a spread sheet to finesse/con and soft johning.
which is because they don't have any g.
to actually do anything that has anything to do with a woman without soft johning.
art barr