I can see why people consider the Coli to be the black st0rmfr0nt. Don't fight dumbass white supremacist logic and equally inferior pro-black propaganda. We are better than that.
Besides the obvious attention whoring how is this changing anything? What is this doing? ISIS hates america too but they don't go around posting dumb ass attention whoring post. Her foolery is done for edgy attention whoring. If she despises America so much, why is she still here? Is there no where else that will take her ass?
I am an antiracist and I believe we should be giving more opportunities to underprivileged black youth but this is doing nothing but hurting the cause and antiracist movement. I actually spent hundreds of hours mentoring young black kids. I help tutor minority children and help them with their schoolwork FOR FREE. I volunteer regularly in heavy minority areas. I give shyt away all the time to minority kids whether it's books, clothes, and even entertainment type deals like toys or video games. I helped hook brothas and sistas up with jobs, do their resume for them FOR FREE, help black colleagues and coworkers navigate the racial landscape and move into leadership positions. I've donated money and schooled plenty of undereducated white people on privilege and race but yet this form of slackivism doesn't do absolute SHYT for black people as a whole. I still have yet to see how wiping your ass with an American flag is helping the black community.
Black kids are still without fathers or strong male role models, black kids aren't receiving shyt and at the end of this whole thing, racist white people are still as uneducated about race as before she wiped her ass with the flag. So tell me again how this foolishness is pro-black? She sent a message? What did this message do besides jack shyt? Are white people LESS racist not because of this? Has this given more opportunities to black people?
Besides the obvious attention whoring how is this changing anything? What is this doing? ISIS hates america too but they don't go around posting dumb ass attention whoring post. Her foolery is done for edgy attention whoring. If she despises America so much, why is she still here? Is there no where else that will take her ass?
I am an antiracist and I believe we should be giving more opportunities to underprivileged black youth but this is doing nothing but hurting the cause and antiracist movement. I actually spent hundreds of hours mentoring young black kids. I help tutor minority children and help them with their schoolwork FOR FREE. I volunteer regularly in heavy minority areas. I give shyt away all the time to minority kids whether it's books, clothes, and even entertainment type deals like toys or video games. I helped hook brothas and sistas up with jobs, do their resume for them FOR FREE, help black colleagues and coworkers navigate the racial landscape and move into leadership positions. I've donated money and schooled plenty of undereducated white people on privilege and race but yet this form of slackivism doesn't do absolute SHYT for black people as a whole. I still have yet to see how wiping your ass with an American flag is helping the black community.
Black kids are still without fathers or strong male role models, black kids aren't receiving shyt and at the end of this whole thing, racist white people are still as uneducated about race as before she wiped her ass with the flag. So tell me again how this foolishness is pro-black? She sent a message? What did this message do besides jack shyt? Are white people LESS racist not because of this? Has this given more opportunities to black people?