Thought the victim was my sister for a second. She lives in Fort Worth

R.I.P. to her

@LurkMoar @Mike_Pipeson how you yall going defend this statementAnd alot of folks here say Texas is a great place for a black person. More proof that alot of people who post here are white.
I agree. Black people call the cops every day, and nobody gets killed every time. But that would still be my last resort.The man who called is not to blame here, the problem lays with POLICE, let's make that very clear.
We are tax paying citizens who should at the very least rely on law enforcement to do their fukking job of protecting and serving the public on our beck and call and make sound judgement to ensure public safety. Now I'm more fearful of law enforcement presence more than ever because innocent black citizens who are residing in their homes are being killed for no gotdamn reason. It seems to be a that the guidelines of becomning a police officer are not strict enough to weed out incompetent people desiring to do the job.
Doesnt everyone in texas own a gun though?Just because they found a gun doesn’t mean she was holding a gun at the time she was shot