When you put your "black" money in your big black church on Sunday.Monday some big waterhead halfway light skin deacon with a weight problem goes to a white bank to put your black money into it.That white bank then funds your oppression everytime you offer up your 10%
I tried to explain this to some heavily Christian folks on why they should switch to a black bank that was local to us instead of a white one. They won't tryna hear it.
Thats very true,I don't go to church,but the money I make goes back to the bank to fund my oppression. Also its nice that you tried to give the Church some knowledge on that. But these black banks are just another fractal of the Fed which I can assure you is not black owned,and black people have no seat at the table when it comes to determining monetary policy. I discussed it with a poster who was debating me about reperations,I was telling him how all that money is going right back to the central bank ran by Jews/Europeans to fund your oppression. All this talk about reperations and trillions,and none of these people seem to think the essential step 1 would be a black central bank

Aint no such thing as black money,black business,black banks,black wealth. I mean it is,but just understand the European is sitting back chilling,knowing "Dre day makes Eazy pay day