This is what I've been trying to tell people when they come with that "out of wedlock" "black family in decline" "single mothers" rhetoric.
Irresponsible births are way down. The only reason the "out of wedlock" rate is so high is because married black women aren't having 6,7,8 kids anymore. They're more likely to have one or none, which drives the ratio up. I'm glad this article was shared on here, we need to start dispelling a lot of the misconceptions about our community.
Irresponsible births are way down. The only reason the "out of wedlock" rate is so high is because married black women aren't having 6,7,8 kids anymore. They're more likely to have one or none, which drives the ratio up. I'm glad this article was shared on here, we need to start dispelling a lot of the misconceptions about our community.